Mygon is an online booking and promotion platform where you can find exclusive discounts, information, photos, reviews and price lists of thousands of restaurants, spas, hairdressers and other local services, through its website or application for smartphones.
Looking for a restaurant to have dinner with a discount and with references from your friends? Need a massage but you don’t know where to go? Want to know which is the cheapest price for a haircut in your neighborhood? Want to make a group activity with your friends and have no ideas?
Mygon makes your life easier by providing a free scheduling system gathering all the information you need from the establishments in your city including:
• Thousands of exclusive discounts and promotions.
• Contacts and complete information about the establishments.
• Photos and updated price lists.
• Reviews from users with score rating.
To take advantage of a promotion or discount is very easy:
1. Find the promotion you want.
2. Book for free.
3. Pay directly to the merchant without complications.
At Mygon you can also offer the best experiences to those you like the most by purchasing Vouchers!
Still having doubts? Download our app and see all the benefits we have to offer!